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Robert Kennedy


  • Thank you much for the detailed steps. I went though the steps this morning. As usual I was surprised by the results. Before and after each step I would do a After uninstalling BDAV 2012 my upload speed increased by a factor of 750%. Download speed increased by only 20%, but I think that is limited by an old…
  • I have now disabled Windows Defender. I rechecked the and saw no significant change. I do not have CCleaner but have heard good reviews. Actually I was thinking about trying some kind or registry cleaner because I do feel that there could be something amiss in this computer. I will try CCleaner next. I would…
  • Sorry for the poor wording. What I meant was that when I turned "off" all of the antivirus functions my internet speed values did not consistently improve. If the BDAV was causing the problem I would expect consistent improvement when I turned it's functions 'off." That did not happen. I am working at disabling Windows…
  • I have checked both "All Programs" and "Add or Remove Programs" and found only Windows Defender as another security program installed. I also verified that the only firewall is the Windows firewall installed. That was the easy part I next repeatedly tested the internet speed ( with all the BitDefender…
  • Thank you for your interest. Here is my system and browser information. micronpc Intel 4 CPU 2.53 GHz 1 GB of RAM MS WinXP Professional version 2002 Service Pack 3 This computer is a ethernet connection to a Linksys Router Browser is IE 8.0.6001.18702 Previous security package was Comodo Internet Security which I removed…
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