Ron Maehl


  • G'Day RJM11, Members of this forum, including myself offer help for free ! I do not work for BD ! Putting words in my mouth so to speak or your over imaginative interpretation of what I advised, is not the tenure of my message! No where did I suggest or said, Quote " Are you saying that BDTS 2008 has a bug in it whereby…
  • G'Day RJM11 1. You should have installed BDIS 2009 or BDTS 2009 instead of the older 2008 version ! 2. I advise you to un-install 2008 and after re-booting, install the 2009 version of your choice ! NB: You should not have any difficulty un-installing the 2008 as it is a new installation (first time) I believe. Just make…
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