

  • If you repeat any of the above questions AGAIN (since you already asked them twice AND they were answered 3 times... twice for you and once for judee, which understood perfectly the situation from my first reply), I invite anyone that read this thread and understood it to answer you, because you won't get any answer from…
  • Well... YOU SHOULDN'T BE SHOUTING! First of all, because I explained very well in post#4 what is with these files. They didn't infect your computer while you were using BitDefender, because these files are NOT infections! These files have existed on your computer since forever! Because I see that you really didn't…
  • I'm having the same problem. I am about 2 months in to my 1 year license on Internet Security. I run XP home. When I installed BD I got a clean scan except for adware which I quarentined. Now when I run scans on two computers one has 15 password protected "threats" One has 416 password protected "threats". The BD display…
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