

  • password protected means for example password protected archives. No antivirus can scan these kind of archives and will always mark them because till execution infections can be invisible. For the simple fact they can't know the used password. You can ignore it if you have password protect them. Niels, You misunderstand -…
  • After the nightly full system scan this morning, I suddenly have "1 threat(s) that affected 2355 objects require(s) your attention". All 2355 items are listed as "infected" and "password protected item - no action taken". In at least some of the cases the "infected" report is clearly bogus - for example, some of the files…
  • I have been getting alerts saying BD Threat Scanner and BDBdcon has encountered a problem and needs to shutdown for the last few days. I have been running BD IS 2008 on 3 PC's in my house. Two are Vista Home Premium and one is XP Home, but only my PC is getting the alerts. Did you ever receive any response to this? I've…
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