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Stefan P


  • 1. I was comparing my internal hard disk with an external backup disk. The file had existed on both. 1. I believe it was deleted from both at the same time, yes. 2+3. The deleted data was some javascript. Might have a URL encoded, but it's hard to tell as it's obfuscated. Some trojan that somehow had gotten into php files…
  • 1. Did the deletion occur during an auto-scan or manual scan? Auto-scan. I was using WinMerge to compare folders/files (with the affected file) and suddenly Bitdefender interrupted and said it had done something. Looking at the events log, I found out it had deleted a part of that file. 2. Could you post the BD AV Free log…
  • Are there settings now? I don't see any. Bitdefender just deleted data that I wanted to keep, and I don't see a way to get it back (it edited a file, removing a part inside). I'm uninstalling Bitdefender now, as deleting my data and not even giving me a chance to intervene is a total and immediate deal breaker. I would…
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