

  • Here is what solved my problem. Settings => General => Automatic Game Mode => ON Settings => Antivirus => Exclusions => Excluded Processes => ACTION ALLOWED for my process. Thanks. Sorry, this did not work after all - my mistake. Thanks.
  • Here is what solved my problem. Settings => General => Automatic Game Mode => ON Settings => Antivirus => Exclusions => Excluded Processes => ACTION ALLOWED for my process. Thanks.
  • Thanks Christian, very good. Do you then mean to say that instead of BD blocking the program I should do one of the following: a. Excluded processes (probably this one). b. Excluded files and folders. Thanks.
  • Thanks Christian, for your kind answer. I will do as you say. Thanks.
  • Thanks Christian, for your kind answer. You say that AUTO SCAN is working permanently on my PC. Could I turn this off then, since I do the scans manually? Also I was wondering how often BD do a Full Scan? Thanks for your kind help.
  • Addition to the above post. I would not even dream of using the antispam module of BitDefender since SPAMFIGHTER is superior. Also I have found out that BitDefender adds the toolbar in Outlook Express DYNAMICALLY EVERY TIME OUTLOOK EXPRESS IS STARTED.
  • Hi JimL. Sorry I cannot help you there, but I advice you to contact Chat Support. I am running XP PRO SP2 and it works for me. By the way I have found SPAMFIGHTER (free editition) superior to any antispam module you can buy, because it uses a server database working well from day one. It looks to me that those with Vista,…
  • This worked for me on XP pro SP2. Regards Thopaga. Dear Sir, Thank you for your interest in our security solution, BitDefender. Regarding your request, for permanently removing the toolbar please boot up the PC in Safe Mode and then browse to this location: C:/Program Files/BitDefender/BitDefender2009 Locate the file…
  • Hi. I am very satified with BitDefender as a product, but not the Antispam part. After reporting a software problem which the lab should have corrected, they have not answered me. But now I am very happy that I skipped the BitDefender Antispam and installed SPAMfighter free of charge. My experience is also that you have to…
  • Hi Niels. Thanks for your help. I have done as you have told me and done both reinstall and repair of Outlook Express. After Livechat with Steven he has made a ticket. After much trying with a clean windows xp I have found out the cause of the problem. It is a bug in BD, because as soon as you change the location of the…
  • Hi Niels. Thank you for your kind answer. Sorry, but neither of them works. Reinstall is of no help. I think that BD does not understand where the Outlook Express folders are on disk. They are on S:\Outlook Express BD finds the address book though, but without the folder option this product will not be very good. Any more…
  • Hi Niels. Thanks for quick reply. Forgot to mention I am using Outlook Express version 6. Hope you can see the attachment. Thanks.
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