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  • Hello again, Further internal testing must be done to ensure the fix is stable before releasing it via automatic update. This is why we decided to postpone until next week this product update. In the meantime, you can apply the workaround below to keep the vsserv.exe memory footprint at the usual ~ 200 MB: - Restart…
  • It is now Thursday. There is one more day of the week left. Where is the fix?
  • Hi Ttechx, I like some BD's vintages (IS 2014 at home, IS 2015's at my parents), I do not know the company. Regards, L. Hi Lionet, I never said you know the company. Perhaps a language barrier. Regards, T.
  • I've tried to reach you guys [bitdefender] via Twitter where I was told to email. I email, and I see Georgia Tech reply here. It is now monday. How much longer do we have to wait for a ###### quick fix for this issue? And Lionet, Please please.. don't try to sugar coat the situation. I know you like Bitdefender as a…
  • This has been going on for weeks. bitdefender has always been a ram hog and it's just got worse over the months. I mean it starts off around 320mb then climbs and climbs the longer I am on the pc. the highest it's been is around 900mb I have uninstalled it and went to kaspersky which only uses around 80/100mb. I am done…
  • I just want to say that I am highly disappointed with the Bitdefender team. I was expecting a relatively fast fix and this is really getting on my nerves. It's been 11 days since the memory leak started happening, at least for me, and I am really considering moving to some other service. I'd say it is expected from one of…
  • Georgia (technical support) was on earlier and she has not responded to this important topic. Most unfortunate Hopefully we will hear an answer shortly. I am going to renew in like about a month from now (literally) and while this is my first year with the company ... i'd like an update.. ya know because if not.. I may…
  • Any update on the fix? Getting really tired of having to restart every half hour of internet usage...
  • I am doing a malware scan as we speak (might be something else) but those affected do me a favor and go to and just click on the username box and tell me if you get a pop redirect.
  • Thanks for the response . I just figured out that it takes approximately 15-16 hours to get to 3 GB. I'll put my system specs below if that will help CPU - i7 3770k @ 4.2 GHz GPU - nVidia GTX 770 2 GB OS - Win 8.1 64 bit, latest version RAM - 12 GB, 1600 MHz, 2x4 + 2x2 Let me know if there is anything else I need to…
  • Malware,bad sectors,bad memory-are you kidding? Tech team has already seen the problem and its runaway memory. I think he / she was just trying to be nice. I also did chkdsk / memtest (the longggg one), defrag, you name it. I've done it all and the memory leak is still happening. This was all done prior posting. What…
  • I too I am having the same issue. It starts at 250mb after a restart.. and slowly climbs up and up.. and up the more you use the internet. At the time of writing my mb for vsserv.exe is @ 836MB. I've done update as well as the "repair" and completely uninstall and reinstall and the issue persist. I've done all sorts of…
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