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  • Hello I am glad that we solved this one. Let me know if you have other questions and requests. Also, if you want to test Bitdefender 2013 Beta, you have here all the details: Take care. Thanks Christian. Have downloaded and installed 2013 Beta and logged 3 minor bug…
  • Hello If you set "Activate exclusions for files" to ON, this only activates the module, it does not exclude anything. I recommend you to leave it on because it will not affect the functionality or the security of your stations. Take care. Thanks Christian. Still puzzled, but I accept your assertion that it will not affect…
  • Hello I want you to set the product with Exclusions turned on, in this way Word is working properly? That option will not exclude files, will only activate the module. Let me know the status. Have a great day! Hi Christian, (Sorry - I thought I'd replied to this, but it looks like it got lost somewhere) We seem to have…
  • Hi Steve. Please open Bitdefender and click on Settings. Go to Antivirus and select the Exclusions tab. Take a screenshot from that window when Word is working properly. Attach the screenshot here in your next reply. [How to take a screenshot] 1. When the window is on the screen please press the "PrintScreen" key…
  • Hello Please right click on BitDefender icon from system tray(the "B" icon) and choose "Show". In the main window, click on "Settings". From the advanced interface, click on Antivirus module and select the Shield tab. Please disable Active virus control and reboot your PC. Let me know if that application keeps crashing.…
  • Hi Steve Please open Bitdefender using the desktop icon and click on Settings. From there select the Antivirus module and click on the Exclusions tab. Make sure Autoscan mapped network drives is turned off. Let me know of everything is OK now. Have a great weekend! Thanks Christian. "Autoscan mapped network drives" was…
  • Hi Steve Sorry for the delayed reply. The same thing is happening with Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint? Have a great weekend! Hi Christian, The problem doesn't occur with Excel or PowerPoint. The various narratives about the issue indicate it is a behaviour triggered only by MSWord. Cheers ...Steve
  • Hello Steve Is your PC in a domain? Do you now have the .37 build installed? Thank you. Hi Christian, Build I run automatic updates, so presumably this has been the build since it was released to automatic updates. Have just verified problem still exists.…
  • Hi Steve. I think in this time a product update was installed and that's why this is actually fixed. It has nothing to do with Exclusions since no files were added there. Take care. Hi Christian, Not sure about that - if I turn exclusions off the problem re-occurs. Turn exclusions on and it's fixed again. Cheers ...Steve
  • Hello Welcome back Steve. So you basically activated the Exclusion module and now the issue is solved? That is what your telling me? Have a great weekend. Hi Christian, Yes that's correct. My question now is "I would have expected nil effect until I actually added detail of any exclusions. As I haven't added any exclusion…
  • Hi Christian, But I haven't added any extensions or file details at all - just pressed the "Activate exclusions for files" ON button. I would have expected nil effect until I actually added detail of any exclusions. As I haven't added any exclusion details, it's slightly worrying that it seems to have now 'excluded' the…
  • Thanks Christian. That worked! It's actually a lot easier than that (for some strange reason)... 1. Open the Bitdefender program > Settings > Antivirus > Exclusions 2. Set "Activate exclusions for files" to ON. That's it - nothing else:-) And I don't have any other exclusions set in there already - all the excluded…
  • Hi Steve There is a discussion about this subject here: We have tested this and Bitdefender 2012 is not causing the situations. Let me know if you have other questions. Thank you. Thanks Christian, The…
  • Hello Welcome to our forums. Please check out to this article to solve this issue: Thank you. Thanks Christian. The article you refer to seems to relate to Word 2002 and Office XP. I'm using Office 2003 SP3. The ciadmin.msc file referred to in the article isn't present on my system.…
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