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  • Hello, I've installed Bitdefender Total Security 2016 and enabled the Ransomware Protection. I've also added some folders to the default protection list. My problem is that once I reboot, my pinned taskbar items disappear on me. They will only reappear if I turn off the protection and reboot or if I add another pinned…
  • Yeah I wasn't going to run them both . Microsoft updates wants to do a update to windows defender and its keeps saying its critical from microsoft and bitdefender keeps saying the same thing. Just didn't want the annoying update popping up all the time so I wanted to update it and restart bit defender that would…
  • Can anyone say, when it will be fixed?
  • Yep, I too am getting that problem on both my desktops. I also see this has been reported on the French forum. Edit: I see I have just had a successful update a minute ago on one of the desktops, so maybe the problem, whatever it was, has been fixed. Ro. Just now I finally get the latest update too. It was fixed probably…
  • Same here. Reinstallation doesn't help me...
  • Well title says it all. I can deal with occasional BSOD'S from the firewall driver for the most part which up to now has been my only complaint in the 5yrs i have paid for this product. The customer service is great once you find the phone number lol. But really 18 pup's, what the heck you said i was good BD. You lied.…
  • Any Updates Vitalik / Georgia? Still nothing but I wrote already in Support. Should be fixed soon I think...
  • Issue ticket already created. I already talked with the management and the improvement will make it to development (not sure 100% in which form, directly in Downloads folder, or my version that creates the folder on first access). I am not sure when this will get updated, though, but it will be done. Regards, Cristian…
  • This behavior is by design. Safepay creates this folder at startup. Since you said you don't use Safepay to download, I will submit to management the idea to create the folder only when it needed (and not every time when starting up). Does this seems ok? Cristian Yes! It will be good! But I wrote already in your Support…
  • I also want to note that the search for critical windows updates in this scanner seems does not work. After this scan I go to the System Settings, then to Update and Protection and it shows that the last check for updates was a few hours ago. But I checked this updates a few minutes ago using Vulnerability scan...That's…
  • hey BitD team, with most of the other errors taken care of, could you put your resources on this feature/request please? maybe you do not use the feature of news and weather on your live tiles, but there are folks who do - like me. You have smart engineers.. couldn't you solve this issue, as its the most visible problem…
  • Not too worried, just wondered why it's the case. Obviously, if some known dodgy sites are shown green, it doesn't inspire huge confidence in the protection? You can check web protection on Bitdefender block all new phishing links. Also BIS passed all new dynamic test from AV-Comparatives and AV-Test better…
  • Hi , Does anyone find the Web Protection in browsers doesn't seem to work very well. All sites showing as safe even when they are Warez or pirate sites? I don't use or search for these you understand but when searching for some software, some of these sites show in the search results. They always seem to show the green…
  • What website are you talking about? If you mention the website we can test it to see if we are also having the problem. What browser are you using? Does the browser have the login settings saved? Are the login setting saved in the Bitdefender Wallet? Firefox 43.0 (x64) and IE 11, BIS 2016,…
  • Yes, I do the Bitdefender Support Tool and email tickets but does not getting any response after 3 days. I'm waiting for 3 months so you 're lucky I also sent them SupportTool log and screenshots and nothing yet...
  • Re logging into Google and Yahoo. I have found that using the Firefox add-on 'X-notifier' works flawlessly 99% of the time. 'X-notifier' is an email add-on for Firefox, not sure about Chrome, that notifiies you whenever you have an email from the accounts you have added to it. So by adding Gmail and Yahoo Mail to…
  • If opening a support ticket or emailing them at the proper email address does not get a quick enough response, just phone technical support. They are available worldwide 24/7. You just have to find the right phone number to call. Good luck If user don't speak English well, how will he/she ask something by phone? With email…
  • Wallet extension for Firefox was updated to v 3.0. Hopefully they fixed the issues that people was posting about. As far as other issues being fixed no idea. I just use the Protection and Tools modules and have had no discernable problems. Though with Wallet being updated to 3.0 I might take a look at it. Frankly I have…
  • Just because the support team does not respond in the forums does not mean Bitdefender is a dead project. These forums are called "user" forums because they are just a bunch of users helping each other out. Due to the confidential nature of the information collected by the Bitdefender Support Tool, technical support can…
  • I'm still waiting for a solution about how to export the created Firewall rules that allows to restore the rules in case of a new Bitdefender 2016 install.. It's impossible unfortunatelly...
  • - wallet still can't put login/password at this site!
  • How long Bitdefender will ignore this bug? I'm tired that News isn't work on my Win 10 in Start Menu!!
  • BIS 2015 Firewall can't even block any program if I put "Deny" for it...I think it's a bugs anyway and I wrote today in Support about it.
  • Also I noticed that a lot of rules are duplicated.
  • before everything was ok ! now on firewall can not block any software :| Same thing with BIS Bitdefender became s...t with all last releases . There is no desire to use ther products...
  • Hello, Bitdefender wallet autofills the credentials on starting with build version @Vitalik1993 the issue also replicates on our end. Indeed, Bitdefender Wallet does not autosave the credentials on However, according to our internal tests if the credentials are…
  • I hope Bitdefender Team will change the defaul folder to the Downloads and Safepay won't create a new folder anywhere...
  • I don't understand why the Download folder can't be used as default for Safepay downloads. There is no need to create another folder, especially if I should to remove it everytime, if I don't use Safepay to download something...
  • Hi...This is normal behavior. If you download a PDF file it will go to the Safepay folder. PDF files require a special plugin which Safepay does not allow. I don't need this "option" bacause I don't use Safepay to download something. Does that mean that I should remove this folder everytime after Using Safepay? That's…
  • I thing it happens because if Mozilla. Search Avisor started working when I reinstalled this browser (and Bitdefender too)
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