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  • And here is the log when I ran malwarebytes antimalware 1.37 /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=5260" data-fileid="5260" rel="">mbam_log_2009_06_17__01_22_35_.txt
  • I am attaching my log from bit defender here - I am running windows vista. /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=5259" data-fileid="5259" rel="">1245218864_1_02.xml
  • I am also a webdesigner, and had the same exact thing happen to me today - iframes injected into the php files of 4 of my WP websites - but only my WP sites, not any static sites. I ran bitdefender - came up with several items that could not be deleted, disinfected, or quarantined. svchost.exe - Generic.PWStealer…
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