Can someone help me with this? Thanks! First of all I recommend to contact support,it should be an easy fix. You also have the option of removing the old computer from there.
Dezactiveaza functiile de power-saver de pe procesor(EIST etc) si vezi daca problema perista. Cel mai probabil laptopul tau este trecut in modul High Perofrmance cand rulezi scanarea deoarece este o aplicatie cu access intensiv la resursele sistemului. La scanare,avand un antivirus,probabil acesta iti inchide un proces .…
When running the installation file,at the start of the process select "No" when asked to download things from the inet,in this way you will use only the files from the full installer.
Try to go to Settings->Update and press on the "Default" button,this should reset the settings and the update server if I am right.
I think you can force those ports to be automatically open using MyUpnp.