

  • Hello, You have attached the XML file and not the DMP file. Please go to C:\Windows\Minidump, put all files from there in an archive, upload the archive on a file sharing server of your choice (such as and send me the download link by PM. If there are no files in the Minidump folder follow the steps…
  • Here is the dump file /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=7597" data-fileid="7597" rel="">WER_32011_0.sysdata.xml
  • I bought a 3PC BDIS 2009 two days ago and have the same problem on both my PC's. They both have Vista Home Premium Sp1 and all the latest drivers etc. I never had any issues before but now on one PC when it runs the "deep scanning" after some time the PC starts freezing for 5 seconds then continues 1 second and then…
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