

  • Dan, The date when things went bad appears to be 10 Sep 2010. One of the updates applied that day is the culprit. Just for the record guys how do you connect to internet, I mean by wireless or cable? In both cases which cards do you have, it could be the problem, the network card's driver.
  • Re: post #2 in this thread. I have exactly the same symptoms. Have tried reinstalling several times, running other registry cleaners between uninstall of BD2010 on that machine(which works OK, ish) and fresh install of BD2011. I think the point that the general screen records No Account Created while the registration…
  • Hi, Please check your GMail account and let me know if the issue was resolved. I've donde what you told me still nothing.. I respond your mail with the screenshots.
  • I've done what you told me, I've sent you the files, hope you can help me. Any news??
  • Hello everyone, First and foremost considering the fact that we had some issues with valid license keys to be displayed as expired / invalid please make sure you have BitDefender up to date. @Andres: please send me a PM (private message) with the license key you use when receiving the error. Also please complete the steps…
  • How did you uninstall/remove McAfee? Did you use their uninstall tool? If not, you might want to run it, just to be sure. Regards, Yes I did a clean uninstall of mcafee products, after that I used Ccleaner to clean any trash I had in the registry, so I think that shouldn't be the problem
  • right. same here. Seems to install fine. Registers fine (the first time), the account is created just fine (the first time), says all is well, but partway through the installation (i've done this like seven times now), the system shield appears in the lower right hand side of the screen and I get the notification that…
  • I've had the same issue, I have 2 machines and purchased a license for 3 machines, in my windows 7 home premium 64 bits machine, everything works really fine, I just activated with my license key and everything went really good. But in my other machine which has windows 7 home premium 32 bit the story was really diferent.…