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  • Just thought I'd throw my opinion into the pot since I found this Googling for "Bit defender Windows 8" I'm a self employed IT engineer. I work in a wide range of fields. I'm also a Bitdefender reseller and I bundle bit defender with new PCs Many of my new PCs go to the enthusiasts market. When Windows 7 was in beta I used…
  • Thanks I really appreciate you passing that on. I'm hoping to use the silent install to (amongst other things) reduce my labour time when installing new PCs. I cant use system imaging since almost all my units are custom builds I can network each newbuild, its a pain but not much. Its the 10 min waiting to download that…
  • ok firstly the good points using the online installer it has done a silent install. I downloaded the latest isecurity online kit and unpacked it using 7zip. I then ran setupdownloader.exe /silent This will cover 90% of the automated installation instances I need. The bad points. Firstly there appears to be no feedback to…
  • unfortunately when doing this I'm given a message asking if I would like to download the latest installation files and then the installation proceeds like a standard install.
  • aalso if I do a silent install would I be correct in assuming that the 30 day trial gets installed and I will have to input a serial code later.
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