I am also looking for the refund form as BDIS 2011 is obviously not fit for purpose. I have uninstalled it per their instructions and then re-loaded and within minutes of kicking of the deep scan it went haywire again.
I have had the same problem for just over a couple of weeks. I have 2 calls out with the support team but am getting no further response from them. Running VMWARE on my MAC, all seems to be well until I do a deep system scan (all other scans seem to have no issue) but on my ASUS it blows up on any scan so I have now…
I have now switched off all scanning and have not had any freezes (on virtual XP on a MAC). However, also loaded it on an ASUS PC and it crashed in the middle of defragging the drive so I have to wait until it all clears (been running now for about 20 hours). Also decided to run SPYBOT on the virtual machine and came up…