Cool, I'll give it a try. The crash window isn't poppping up though, but I just restart the service manually and it chugs along for a few more days.
To change the startup type for vsserv you don't need to go into the registry but in Services and set the startup type to manual or disabled for BitDefender Virus Shield. These actions are allowed only in safe mode. I don't want to change the startup type, i want to change what it does when the service fails. Any thoughts?
So for reasons beyond me bit defender has decided to start working again, at least for the time being.
Mine is still crashing. Customer support took a week to come back with that uninstall visual c++ stuff, which i had tried, and tried again, and has yet to work.
Nope, vsserv still crashes as soon as it loads. This only recently started happening. Either bit defender broke in a recent update, or a recent microsoft update did.
When i try going into safe mode and opening bt2010 i get a Services are Loading screen, no settings.
I would try this, but my problem is vsserv crashed instantly when restarted. This only cropped up in the last few days for me.