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  • Möglich Lösung für das Verbindungsproblem: 1. Bit Defender in Expertenstellung Öffnen 2. unter Aktualisierung --> Einstellungen --> Einstellung für das automatische Update --> nachfragen bevor Updates heruntergeladen werden 2. unter Aktualisierung --> Einstellungen --> Einstellung für das manuelle Update --> nachfragen…
  • Workaround for Internet Goes Blank: 1. Open Bit Defender in Expert Mode 2. go to Update Settings 3. chose under "Confirm update" "Prompt before downloading updates " and under "Manual Update Settings " "Prompt before downloading updates " 4. Reinstall Bit defender 5. after install Bit defender will update himself abort it…
  • I got the same Problem since last Week. I see if more traffic the sooner got no reply on port 80. But other connections like E-MAIL keeps going on. @ Support What is the actually status of problem solving. Is any solution under way an in how many time?
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