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  • Mine get changed almost every day. Auto scan on, auto scan off, auto scan on, auto scan off. Very strange. I have a ticket already open on another matter and have submitted 2 logs....still waiting a response.
  • Thanks man! I leave the PC on as I download a lot of torrents. Here in Thailand, Cable TV ######. I like to schedule the scans for late at night as they tend to bog the PC down a bit. But I'll give this version a try...especially based your comments that all seems to be well. Again, Thanks!!!! Craig
  • I've been a BD user for years. Just upgraded to Internet Security 2012. I have to express my extreme disappointment at not being able to schedule my own scans. I have 7GB of disk to scan, so it takes a long time. I use to have it take off every night around 2am. Can't force that action any more. Plus, that little status…
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