

  • Below (the underlined portion) is a copy of a message I recieved yesterday morning. No damage done due to the suspicious nature of the email. It made it past my ISP's security due to coming from BitDefender Forum. davem, angelikzusa has sent you a new personal message titled "Just For Fun". You can read this personal…
  • I have ran BitDefender, on a Vista based machine for about 10 months, with no issues. Recently though, have seen the same problem, when I run clean internet files. Since I was problem free, since I switched to BD, I am assuming the problem is caused by either a windows update, or possibly, a BD update. I have yet to see…
  • Niels, I no longer have the issue with the pop-up. Thank-you very much for your help. Once I got rid of my version of java, and rebooted, the pop-up no longer appeared. Once my desk top came up, BD alerted me to a trojan it had blocked. It was identified, by BD, as 'Trojan.Agent.AGBL'. I then carried out the remaining…
  • Niels, Thanks for the help. One question, though, when you refer to 'remove java runtime environement', you mean to uninstall it, correct?
  • Neils, Here it is. I figured it out. Vista is new to me, as is BD. Sorry for the mess Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 1:42:36 PM, on 07/12/2007 Platform: Windows Vista (WinNT 6.00.1904) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16546) Boot mode: Normal Running processes: C:\Windows\system32\Dwm.exe…
  • Niels, Here are the resets of the scan, done by 'hijackthis' It is an attachment. How do you post it ina reply or message? /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1132" data-fileid="1132" rel="">First_scan.txt /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1133" data-fileid="1133" rel="">First_scan.txt
  • Thanks for the reply. It usually pops up when you start internet explorer, or when you go to a new web page, and also when you first log on. I will try out the hijackthis download
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