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  • So you have some items detected as rootkit-hidden - BitDefender detects hidden or otherwise inaccessible files and may have a hard time telling apart maliciously hidden files and other data like backups from this software. You may try excepting c:\RRbackups from further scans. This appears to be a system backup on lenovo…
  • Florin, You asked if I could provide a sample log and I have done that. I wonder when you will have a chance to look at it and give me some guidance on how I can clean the files that BT says it cannot now clean. Thanks so much for your help. Denwycke
  • Where do these files reside? Are they files from system restore? Could you please attach a log from the scanning so that we can see what is the problem? Thank you for offering to help. Here is an extract from a recent log----the whole log would be too large to send. Hope this helps! BitDefender Log File !!!!!…
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