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  • Thanks again. Avast Safezone worked for me, I never did internet banking without it. My issue with Avast is its relatively poor detection rate. It kept missing malware which could be detected by Malwarebytes. 360 Internet Security detects malware missed even by Malwarebytes! I don't trust most anti-virus companies in the…
  • Thanks for the advice. I read somewhere on this forum that its very difficult to uninstall SafePay, should it not work to one's satisfaction. I'd like to try using it with 360 Internet Security, which uses Bitdefender as one of its three virus/malware engines. Do you foresee any difficulties with that? Or is SafePay meant…
  • If you go to and enter your online account using your email address and password, there is an option to "Renew". Does this mean you always have to manually renew your subscription? Or is your yearly subscription automatically renewed (and repaid) unless you make a choice not to do so,…
  • I recently had to re-install Vista on my laptop after Bitdefender interfered with a Vista update. The computer was unuseable after this conflict between Bitdefender and the O/S update from Microsoft. How do I temporarily disable (and later re-enable) Bitdefender 2010 Internet Security for important and trusted program…
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