

  • I have just recieved an e-mail from the Sales department and they are looking into it.
  • Thanks Cris for the clarification.
  • After two days still no reply. So I took a look at other entries to be fixed. Therefore the question is what type of malware is the following entry? O23 - Service: dlba_device - - C:\Windows\system32\dlbacoms.exe
  • O1 - Hosts: ::1 localhost Just curious: I didn't look at other entries you asked to fix. why are you fixing this one?
  • err can u tell me exactly how to do it ?!! im not good at computer.. sorry today i updated bit and still cna not kill it. its still there and whenever i open my bit; my bit always catch it . headache... You may take a look at this topic for a detailed discussion of sens.dll and the detailed instruction to deal with it:…
  • Thx for all your help, Nice avatar by the way. You are welcome D.C.
  • Thank you, just one last problem, I can't seem to get Ares (P2P) to work, it connects I can search for files, but it wont download them, it just keeps "connecting". do you know any other good safe P2P that wont slow down my system too much? You should use your router's manual to configure it in order to enable UPNP. It is…
  • Farbar, We had a computer shop take a look at our DVD drive, and much to our suprise it was actually broken. At the same time, they also reinstalled Windows to see if it would get rid of our other problems... it did. My computer is so far so good. We bought a router, V11 Wireless G by ZI0. It suppositly has a firewall too.…
  • @pevans_om: Thanks for the method, I'll try it out, but does it still clean out the old infected .dll in System Volume Informations? Beside, I'm using a laptop which I don't have the Windows XP CD. Whatever method you use to replace the dll doesn't clean the infected dll in System Volume Information. The only way to empty…
  • Once last question from my side. (Even though my problem is resolved). Why do we still have trojans/viruses/worms, etc on our PC's if BitDefender supposedly "Blocks" them. Why do they still get through? This question is asked many times on this forum. As I understand: The perfect antivirus which can catch or prevent all…
  • I did delete some from the msconfig based on the one reply someone in this post left however I did what you informed me to do and am posting a new HTJ log. I have not set any proxy server addresses so I dont know why I have a saudi arabian mask address. I did once have a hide IP program which masked you real location but…
  • Ok... After I turned the off the real time scanner, I go to properties of the sens.dll of the infected, I select "OK", which means it was modified. Then after that, it doesn't get detect anymore after I turn on the real time scanner of BD. However, I just want to make the system clean, I replaced with the old ones...now BD…
  • Is there anyway to replace it using Copy and Paste? Because it won't let me access it and you'll know why. It's a message keep poping up saying it's already being used. I'm pretty sure this can help, since I used another version of it on the same PC. Did you followed the instruction? * Turn off the BD real time protection…
  • Well thanks alot for the help Farbar, everything is ok now. You are most welcome Fida.
  • @ farbar: Well, I found out that when I selected the properties of the "sens.dll", I don't find a section that talks about version, and "Summary". However, I reformated sometimes before, and I still have backups of my "WINDOWS", I checked the "sens.dll" in the old backups WINDOWS files. I found that there's a section of…
  • Created date: Wednesday, August 04 2004, 6:00:00 PM Modified: Wednesday, August 04 2004, 6:00:00 PM Size: 38,912 Size on disk: 40,960 Hi Madman, The size is the right size, it is weird BD detects it as malware. What happens if you clear the logs and let the file scanned By BD again? *Double click BD tray icon - history…
  • As you may have notice a lot is going on. * Please tell me if you are using the following proxy server and you have set the proxy server yourself: (in Saudi Arabia). * I see that you are running msconfig in /auto mode which means that you may have selectively removed some items in the past from the startup…
  • Yup, I can confirm this. Very weird... and I broke my signature, too. I'll announce the forum admin about this. Cris. Thanks a lot, sorry for breaking your signature.
  • I'm so glad you solved the issue for our friend but I just got mixed up. Can you please tell me what to do in order to finish with this thing? By the way I don't have a windows installation CD bec it was preinstalled I have the recovery tool. I would be grateful if you can help me since I'm not that expert in computer.…
  • Hi chi-chi, I am going to assist you to clean the infection. It seems you have got Vundo on this computer too. And it is of no surprise to me since you are missing one important program on that computer: An antivirus. This is somewhat suicidal in today's digital world. * You need to install an antivirus program as soon as…
  • No need to. After a system reboot, the file was gone. I did a full scan with BD, and my system came up clean. Thanks again. It's much appreciated. You are welcome.
  • I did a search for the file and windows found nothing, I also removed and re downloaded the program and still I can not fing the HJT log?? is it because of how or where I am downloading it from? Please uninstall/remove your Hijackthis. Click here to download HijackThis Installer. Save HJTInstall.exe to your Desktop. Double…
  • I would like to say thank you to Farbar and Niels for helping me in this sticky situation. After disabling BD Real Time Protection, I was able to replace the infected file using my Windows XP Installation disc. My system now appears virus-free. Thank you once again. EDIT: It seems to have created a sens.dll.tmp file which…
  • This looks like the Flash Drive infection: You should first disinfect and then remove all Startup Run values it has created.
  • Since I'm having exacty the same proplem as Greatbigmouth, I'll answer for these questions also. 1. Date of creation: Dec. 2004 Date Modified : Aug. 2004 So strange it was modified before it was created!! Its size is 38 KB and the by version I didn't understand what you meant but for type it has as: Application extension.…
  • It went so fast and I could not add anything to my reply: Any good programs that you can recommend? * I recomend AVG atispyware (not antivirus), after 30 days trial it becomes automatically a free version without real time protection which you can update and scan your system from time to time. Spybot search & destroy can…
  • Any good programs that you can recommend? Yes, they are exactly the same. It detects the Trojan.Patched.BD variant.
  • About your HJT log: * I found no suspicious/infected entries. * When you do a lot of Internet banking you need more protection. Besides BD you need a couple of antispyware programs to make sure you are relatively safe. * when you right click sens.dll and select properties: 1. Are the date of creation and modification the…
  • It seems we just have to sit and wait to see who will be the first to make the big step, the Trojan or the techs there!! I'm having the same problem as you, I really understand what you are going through. The file sens.dll detected by BD is a MS legit file. You don't want to delete that until there is clearance about that…
  • Hello , I'm having exactly the same problem. My scheduled daily system scan reports me always I few infected files with Trojan.Patched.BC and Trojan.Patched.BD I also have infected with these C:\Windows\System32\sense.dll Won't let me access the files, the antivirus can't put them in quarantine, nor delete them nor clean…
    in Trojan Comment by farbar March 2008
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