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  • Hello fjanos , It seems that the Blue Screen error was caused by one of the BitDefender Firewall drivers . Please try the following steps : 1. Click on Start from Windows and choose Run . 2. Here type ncpa.cpl and click on Ok . 3. Right-click your "Local Area Connection" and choose Properties. 4. Uncheck "BitDefender…
  • Hello fjanos , Please go to the next location from your system : C:\Windows\Minidump and you should find some files with the extension ".dmp" . These files were created after you received the Blue Screen error message and it will provide us more details about this error . Please go to : , upload…
  • I have the same problem : BLUE SCREEN and * stop: 0x000000D1 (0x000000A8, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xA8BAA86B) * bdftdif.sys address A8BAA86B base at A8BA5000 datastump 49218378 It does it when I press the refresh button in firefox to reload the same page[/font] I see noone continues the topic. Any fix for this out there,…
  • Please try to use the steps listed in this article to resolve this issue: It seems this fix resolves the problem. Thanx
  • I' m still waiting for the fix of this issue please my PC should be full of malware and I can't even push the scan button. Bitdefender ######. I thought it was the antivirus of the year but it is not. Next time I won't buy Bitdefender that's for sure or at least fix this before my license expires.
  • Please tell me what other security solutions do you have installed on the system besides BitDefender and what version of IE you are running. Contrary to Diana Bele I still have the same problem. I have no other security solution installed on the system. I even use Bitdefender Firewall as the BD Antivirus program…
  • First, please go to the Control Panel and turn off User Account Control. Then go back to BitDefender, click on Advanced View and go to Antivirus -> Virus Scan. Please try to run a scan using this menu and tell me if you were able to launch it. I did as you told me I went to Control Panel to disable User Account Control…
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