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  • Well I am now out of the Bitdefender cookie jar, after one year and a half. I used Bitdefender 9 and then v10. I am a bit sad as I really liked my Bitdefender antivirus program. But I know that it is not the softwares fault! It is probably the software programmers who can't get their act together! They are probably staying…
  • Lets see now I tried what Bitdefender support suggested, I even went so far as to use the repair function, I listened with faith as Cris Bitdefender Evangelist tried to help me , everything I have tried has not helped. The next step I will attempt is an Exorcism! I've tried everything I can think of except for raiding all…
  • I hate to say it but the cookie monsters back! After repairing Bitdefender v10 and updating everything all was well until a a couple of days ago now it will not update itself again! It will see if it continues past this coming week, if it does continue messing up then I will have to change to another antivirus program!…
  • To whoever edited my post, Thanks for correcting me about the use of caps! Now could you please go back in to my post the one you edited before this one and fix your spelling mistake. you are are making me look bad, right after 10,000 kb. "Good thong " Bitdefender updates itself. it should be"Good thing" a thong is one of…
  • A stroke of genius I finally fixed the update problem with my bitdefender v10, I HOPE. After getting told to do this and do that by bidefender support I got smart. I was about to jump out of the bitdefender cookie jar, since nothing bitdefender support offered worked for me. What I did was I went into Programs/BitDefender.…
  • Cris thanks for the info bitdefender support finally got back with me and suggested "renaming certain files" I tried that and it did not work. The update function of my bitdefender v10 is really messed up. I will give them ONE MORE WEEK ! TO FIX THIS PROBLEM, IF THEY DO NOT FIX IT, THIS COOKIE IS JUMPING OUT OF THEIR…
  • My last virus definitions update was April 10 2007, up until then my life was sweet and normal, BUT THEN ALL ###### BROKE LOSE! And my Bitdefender v10 will not update, it looks just like a puppy going in circles chasing its tail. What is the problem and when will it get fixed? two weeks with out definitions is not cool! I…
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