

  • Just to add, I'm on Win 7 (32), and I also have the issue on BOTH sleep and hibernation. My SSD makes a daily restart from scratch less sucky, but it's still a PITA.
  • Well, turns out that deactivating everything does not fix the problem after all. Thanks for the reply, Christian. Hope this problem will go away soon.
  • BTW, if you go into the BD home window and deactivate everything (ie, switch AV, FW, AS, Auto Update, and Antiphishing to OFF), the computer does not wake up. Well, at least it did not when I tried that last night. Kinda annoying to have to do that every night, but less annoying than having the machine wake up over and…
  • Same here. Computer wakes up after I have sent it into hibernation or sleep. Takes about a minute and my machine re-activates. I checked with the command "powercfg -lastwake" in CMD, and vsserv.exe is definitely responsible for waking up my machine. Very annoying, pls mend. I've sent a PM. Cheers.
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