

  • Attached is my Scan Report. I'd appreciate any comments. Thanks again! /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=453" data-fileid="453" rel="">BitDefender_Report.html
  • Thanks for your rapid reply! 1. I did save the BD report. 2. Your direction to shutdown Restore is in order to eliminate the possibility of restoring the infected files, correct? 3. Since it appears that BD did not identify files other than what appear to be sources, do you think that my antivirus prevented further…
  • Hello Halek BitDefender deleted only the infections. That is why you still see the folder with the clean uncompressed files. If you delete the archive you are safe. But do you have run an executable inside the file? I still recommend that you do this also go start,my computer,right click on my computer choose…
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