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  • Hello pham hung All the winners must had received a mail which asks for more information and informed that you have won. If you didn't saw such a mail which means you didn't win anything. So you must found something in the spam folder or in your inbox. Best regards Niels Hello Niels I haved reinstall windows vista after…
  • Hello Jayakrishnan If you won a price you would have received an email some time ago. The winners were only contacted via mail. Best regards Niels I haved to join bitdefender totall 2008 beta. I haved bugs updated and haved contacted via mail of bitdefenderBeta. Please say to me about prize, if Iam winer. Thank you!
  • But BitDefender Total Security 2008 realy work very good with windows vista, I very like Bitdefender!
  • your computer run BD IS 10 and vista is not updates? 1- type in the Run "msconfig" 2- choise Services 3- stick Hide all Microsoft services and uncheck all service in the box. 4- OK restart computer. Now You can run windows updates, after you can recheck all service in the box.
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