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  • httpvs10u.dll is version, and the build is I'll send a PM but everything is working fine since I changed the settings in IDM.
  • I've found what was causing my problem, it was a conflict between BitDefender and Internet Download Manager. To solve the problem; I unchecked "Use Advanced Browser Integration" in Internet Download Manager's options, and changed BitDefender's core.http.xml file back to default. Everything seems to be working fine now.
  • I won't be home this weekend. I'll be glad to help test it though. I'll send you a PM when I return, either sunday or monday.
  • BD Technical Support Team Can you please confirm that Hax`s idea to fix the problem temporary is a safe way. iam not doing it specially it comes from a guy called hax, and settings need to be modified in safe mode. Even tho a temporary solution is not acceptable. What's the worst that could happen? You can always change…
  • Thanks for offering a workaround. however, what are were exactly disabling by doing this? let's not forget the whole propose of this program is to keep virusses etc. actively from our computers. I would love to know from one of the bitdefender tech support if by doing this I'm not disabling a vital function of the program.…
  • I've come up with a temporary fix and posted it here:
  • I was also experiencing this problem and have come up with a temporary fix. 1. Restart your computer and press F8 to boot into safe mode. 2. Open C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\BitDefender 2012\settings\core.http.xml with notepad. 3. Change change the following values to off, so it looks like this: <proxy>…
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