

  • TheMouse I repartitioned drive2 from xp disk management and problem returned. I then deleted partitions again and installed win7 on drive. My pc now boot_s up normally for both xp and win7. Maybe it is xp partitions that are the problem. Do you have your xp installs on seperate physical drives, if so you must delete all…
  • OK I have got bd2011 working. First I found that disconnecting the lan cable made it work. Next I installed an old lan card I had lying around and used it for connection. It worked. I have 3 hard drives on my pc. Drive 1 had xp64 Drive 2 had xp32 Drive 3 had win7 x64 Next I removed all drives except drive 2 and did a bare…
  • I have sent my log files to support. I am waiting on a response from them. I will post any solution here if they find one.
  • UPDATE My problem only occurs when I am connected to network. If I disconnect network cable from PC or disable Local Area Connection in control panel, I do not have any problems. If I only disconnect modem cable from router I still have problem. Seems to be a slow network at startup perhaps? IanA
  • Daniel 14. Send us in reply to this EMAIL the file created. I have not received an email from you. Did you mean '...reply to this POST..." I have uploaded the files you wanted by replying to your post. Did you receive my upload? IanA
  • Not sure if I uploaded file correctly so I will upload again.
  • Hi Daniel Thank u for your response. This problem only occurs when I am connected to internet at startup. I have attached support file.
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