

  • Farbar: Back home from being away at a remote worksite. First of all I want to thank-you for all of your help and guidance that you have given me over the past week. Without your help and expertise, there would not have been any hope in repairing our computer of this malware. I could not have repaired this on my own. My…
  • Farbar: Now that was a long evening. Here are the outcomes of your recommended steps Step 1: Under internet options in Windows Explorer, the privacy setting has been reset to default, which is Medium. Step 2: Uninstalled Combofix per your instructions. All went smoothly and it was uninstalled without a hitch. The Combofix…
  • Farbar Hit the Send button too early: Here is the Hijackthis log. Sorry about that. S@S Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 9:31:09 PM, on 11/02/2008 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16574) Boot mode: Normal Running processes:…
  • Farbar: I learned a valuable lesson tonight. Type the reply to this board in a word file first, and then save it to the computer first, before you reboot the computer. Else, it is gone if you type it directly in this reply section. I had to retype the reply all over again which I am sure is a rookie mistake!! I must be a…
  • Farbar: Here iare the outcomes from your instructions: 1) Removed "Myway Search Assistant" in the Add/Remove program section. There was no size of file indicated. 2) Removed the UTorrent program. It was not listed in the Add/Remove program section, but found it using the search function. Found it in C:\Program Files and…
  • Farbar: After I read your post I jumped right into step #1. I did not change the hijackthis.exe to stare.exe and run a log. If you still require this, I will repost the results. Sorry about that. Completed the Four steps as you had requested. You were specific enough that I (and my son) could follow. Here is the…
  • Hi, I suggest while waiting for somebody to help you, you can prepare your computer and equip it with what is missing on your computer: 1- An anti virus: BitDefender has a free version: http://www.bitdefender.com/PRODUCT-14-en--...ee-Edition.html 2- A firewall:Sygate Personal Firewall or ZoneLabs Zone Alarm have good free…
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