

  • the notification means a request is being made to a site with the domain and it tried to send your data unencrypted meaning if there was a man in the middle attack they can either see your data or modify it. Usually this happens if some application or browser connects to a site using http instead of…
  • It seems i either don't get / see popups from Online Threat Prevention module or the module itselve does not generate any popups at all but only writes messages to the notification tab. I really like to get popups from online threat prevention module as well. Does the Online Threat Prevention module actually show popups ?…
  • /index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="212852" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/" rel="">@Sergiu C. sorry for late reply it was this notification and it happened on a local webserver that was running emoncms on http (not https) i understand the threat. It did not popup…
  • /index.php?/profile/214338-bill_k/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="214338" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/214338-bill_k/" rel="">@Bill_k i'm sorry but i don't see any "configure status alerts" option in the advanced section of settings ...
  • when i right click the icon in the system tray and choose update now the result is always update failure.. Clicking on the details tab brings me to the notifications tab but nothing was added there ... i'm on bitdefdender antivirus plus check video in attachment 20180831_1221_14.avi
  • no problem, maybe there is a way using "Process, Priority, %PID%, high ;makes it highg priority" to set your powershell process running at a higher priority than normal. you only need to find a way to get hold of the processid after you start your powershell ******. I'm not sure if it'll help but worth a try edit: seems…
  • On 8/6/2018 at 12:57 PM, Brush6136 said: Hate to say this but the patch available through your central account doesn't work in this instance. I'm constantly getting "Windows Update Service Cannot be started" so I conclude from that and because this was made available so quickly (moi skeptical?) that Bitdefender have…
  • what if you compile AHK ****** to exe(cuteable) and add exe(cuteable) location as well as the binary itselve to every exception list you can find in bitdefender ? Like advanced thread defense, antivirus, etc. Actually it might not be bitdefender related, i just copied your ******, compiled the ****** to exe and ran the…
  • well just found this out: goto app settings press uninstall on the antivirus part of bitdefender, a new window will popup choose to keep settings / reinstall. It will uninstall but keep your settings, you reboot after reboot it downloads latest version and applies your settings again and i'm on version where…
  • i'm not updating like this again, i'm not goana go redo all my settings again. 
  • upgrade ###### it does not remember exceptions from bitdefender 2018 i had to resetup everything. To make matters worse you can not add all programs in a certain directory and subdirectories for exampel for safe files protection exclusions. Not to mention if you try to add manually you it does not remember last directory…
  • i'm having same problem it's reporting all kinds of updates that windows update does not metion. Also pressing install or install all hangs on "initializing download" it never actually download anything
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