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  • Kevin, It sounds like you have a lot of problems with your computer! How often do you do regular maintenance? When you unistalled all of the various AV products, did you use their specific uninstall/removal tools or did you just use Windows Add/Remove? Did you use a registry cleaning tool after each AV product was…
  • Bad choice for security my friend.Get something better. What would you suggest? So far AVG has worked alright. I used to use Norton some years ago and gave it up after it bloated out; I tried Macafee which came bundled in with something or other and did not like it at all. Avast! wasn't bad, but I had problems with a…
  • Kevin Any suggestions as to my next step? Yes, replace BD with some other brand of software. BD doesn't seem to work on all computers. Do it today. Fungus Hi Fungus, Like I said, I have been forced to replace BD with AVG which works fine on my computer and keeps the nasties at bay. I'm sure BD is OK on some computer…
  • To Florin Stiuca: I actually had filled in "My Account" and it seems to be functioning - as long as it is activated and working, that surely should be enough? Either as an explanation or an excuse for lack of action, not filling in the account seems weak, especially since it had been done. To Wrathwielder: You seem to have…
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