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  • Hi, glad you figured out the problem. I assume there must have been an update to Rapport that broke BitDefender, as I have had both installed for at least 12 months with no issues, and my other browsers aren't affected. I have changed anti-virus applications, but still glad that it has been resolved. Cheers.
  • Hi, as requested, I disabled all the plugins in Chrome, re-enabled AVC, but Chrome still fails to load correctly. I will PM the files from the support tool. FYI, dont worry about this now. My subscription was due for renewal soon, and seeing as there appears to have been no movement since I sent in the results from the…
  • Hi, as requested, I disabled all the plugins in Chrome, re-enabled AVC, but Chrome still fails to load correctly. I will PM the files from the support tool.
  • Sorry, I misunderstood what you were asking. I thought plugins and extensions were the same thing, but now I see they aren't. I did uninstall RoboForm and there was no change. I will try disabling all the plugins later today and report back if I find anything.
  • When you reinstall Chrome, as far as I know, the plugins are not being uninstalled. I have no further ideas for the moment, only the fact that AVC might interfere with one of the plugins. A list of Chrome addons might help us. I'm just trying to make sure I understood correctly: this behavior happens only with BD2012? Or…
  • I have just tried installing a version of Chrome from over a month ago, and the issue persists with a version that I know worked back then, so it doesn't appear to be anything different about Chrome causing the problem. I've also completely uninstalled and re-installed BitDefender 2012, in case of a dodgy update, but there…
  • Hello, We couldn't reproduce this issue internally so far. It might be an incompatibility between a Chrome plugin and AVC. Could you tell us what Chrome plugins/addons do you have installed? With their versions, if it's possible. Or have you recently installed (or updated) some Chrome plugin? You can type chrome://plugins/…
  • The situation should be solved by now. Can you confirm? Updated BitDefender to latest version of 2012, and also updated to latest version of Chrome 14.0.835.202, but I'm still getting the same problem. Chrome loads up, but never loads a page, just get a blank white page and egg timer. If i rename chrome.exe to chrome1.exe…
  • Can you tell us what version of Windows do you have? Thank you. Windows 7 64bit
  • I don't know if its related, but MSE had a problem with Chrome recently too. Maybe this is the same thing?
  • So is Chrome now running since adding it to the Exclusion list? The detection may be the result of updated definition files. You are still protected while browsing the web. The only thing that has changed is the the Chrome executable is no longer be checked by AVC. Any site you browse to or download from will still be…
  • Have you tried adding the Chrome executable to the AVC Exclusion list? Antivirus-->Shield-->Advanced Settings-->Exclusions Regards, I have done that but now I'm concerned that I'm not getting protection while browsing the web. I don't see why Bitdefender is suddenly thinking Chrome is malicious.
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