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  • PM, mail (you can send me an email from my profile on this forum), whatever... the important thing is for me to have direct contact with whoever wants to test it, because I need to give some instructions and debug procedures (in case anything goes wrong). Cris. Your choice to require it be this way. Then I will decline to…
  • For security purposes, I'll only give the tool by direct contact (PM) to anyone who is willing to take a chance in testing it. Cris. Is via PM the only method available?
  • Yes, I see why you are confused. This contradiction between info provided in two different sections is indeed a bug. I will forward this to the testing department. Thank you for reporting it. Thank you. "By design" means it's "by design" and it's not a bug. A bug is something that is not "by design". "By design" cannot be…
  • Hello Invalid_key_queen and Ron, This behavior is by design and it's not a bug. As you can see in BD's interface (also in the screenshot posted in the first post here), under the User tasks category, that task is showed as "Status: Scanning". Yes, I do see this. But this conflicts with the history file which says it is…
  • Is there a way to get the scheduled scan to complete without user intervention? It always seems to want to stop right before the end and tell you about what it found. I would like it to just do it's thing and close out properly. I can check the logs later. TIA, Kevin I would like to know the same. There is a bug (at least…
  • SOLUTION FOUND! Clearly, BD has been making updates to address this problem, and with those, I have been able to identify the problem that prevents updates after scans are completed!!! Here's the deal, verified several times. 1) Updates are occurring normally 2) Scan initiated (can be manual or scheduled) 3) When scan…
  • Folks, My time debugging this is done. I and others still see this problem with variations, but BD has hidden the symptoms so it *appears* as if everything is working correctly. No one is monitoring this thread or providing information. Another thread I started to try and get attention was closed by a moderator who told me…
  • Yes, my BitDefender update interval is one hour. The messages about "running state" come from Windows: Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Event Viewer/System Hi Ron - okay, I haven't seen the windows one. But, I am just one user and we are all seeing different symptoms. Sorry I can't help with that one.
  • Good news and bad news for me. (SP2, Lenovo T60) 3. Bad news. BD failed during an update this morning, while I was away, leaving me a screen pop-up that "services have been temporarily switched off for an update". But the "temporarily" was an hour long. The "Fix Issues" button for "The update has never been performed" did…
  • Though I will now leave your ranks and take my refund money to another provider, I wish you all luck with this frustrating situation and again encourage you to save some grey hairs for those at BD and follow me elsewhere. Wink - it was good to work with you. Good luck with your move to a more stable product and hopefully a…
  • Okay, more info from a friend. In his history file I see a few different behaviors: 1) sometimes when the scan finishes, he still gets all the Update Errors: scan in progress errors that we get. But 2 minutes later, the very next event is a download update (NOT a virus signature update) and it is successful. Then the world…
  • Woke up this morning to find my bitdefender did NOT shut down last night. I performed an update yesterday evening...not sure if that update contained a fix or not. Just thought I'd let everyone know that for the moment, it appears that the situation might be resolved. Well, that is good news! Lemmee ask a couple questions…
  • Hi Invalid_key_queen i think you are going to do yourself mental damage with all this hehe . It cant be the money you spent on the program as you have spent hours playing with it surely your time is worth much more than what you paid for bitdefender. If you are not a new user then you can only blame yourself for not trying…
  • Sigh. The saga continues. Still updates fail after a scan. New info - previously happily updating BD starts immediately failing on updates after hibernating. I grow weary of this. Another post on my blog is in the works.
  • Oh, so now they're playing the role of Big Brother! Great...makes me want to dump BD all the more! I have no idea, but someone from BD contacted me yesterday with another fix to try, and I told them I wanted to do another experiment last night. So, PRE-BD request: I was finally able to complete an on-demand scan. But it…
  • Hi Loers Thanks for the very detailed report. I have been doing the same thing for another thread, and got no reply from support for DAYS. I would recommend continuing to hammer customer support, along with others who have had the same problem as I have. I also see some of the same issues you have reported, but I had to…
  • ... and more updates. Starting Sunday around 11 am EST, 2 new event sources started appearing after a new download - event source: PTweaks "Laptop mode is enabled" followed 15 seconds later by event source: PTweaks "Laptop mode is disabled" Again the same thing about 6 hrs later. During the last day or so, I ran no…
  • So I got a reply via email from BD. Dear Madam, Thank you for your interest in our security solution, BitDefender. We wish to apologize for the inconvenience caused by this situation. This issue was caused by a recent update that was released for the registration wizard, but we have released a new update that targets this…
  • Lisa, I think BD is waiting on you to release an update yourself that fixes this issue and then claim it as their own. You clearly understand it more than they do! Thanks again for all the hard work and updates. I still haven't dumped bitdefender in hopes that they come out with a fix. I'm losing faith though. I'll…
  • So seems like a problem with the scanning engine. And then several things happen at the same time to trip the 1969 bug. Ohhhh I love a good puzzle! Attached pic shows inconsistencies of scanning. * history file shows scan done, but no updates because "scan in progress" * BitDefender shows scan still in progress in "Virus…
  • Interesting new info perhaps. I did a short scan to see if it would kill my registration and it didn't. It finished the scan and told me no errors. But no more updates. The history file shows the same sequence of "scan done" "can't update because scan is in progress." Well, I know more I think. When I go into the Virus…
  • Update - I wrote an email directly to Diana Bele this morning, and copied many of you on it. She gave an actual response: Of course it is the same nearly useless response that she posted several days ago, but perhaps continued emails to her with daily progress will escalate this issue. From Diana Bele: Hello, There's been…
  • To my fellow thread posters: I suggest we open live support chats where we simply link the representatives to this thread, and continue to do so until we get acknowledgement of the issue and/or a satisfactory resolution. crc - thanks for the update. You might have gotten a CC message - I dumped all this information…
  • BitDefender I have posted additional debugging information, more proof of the sequence of events, over at the original thread. /index.php?/topic/12843-bitdefender-anitvirus-2009-keeps-shutting-down/&page=2#comment-54917" rel="">More debugging info for you
  • More data. Last night I reenabled a single scan in the middle of the night. Now I am back to the license error - Yo BitDefender - Scans and updates don't mix! * OnDemand scan (quick) started at 1:45 finished after 6am successfully * 5 Update errors (says scanning in progress, which is not true) * Update files downloaded…
  • I am not sure its good to hear other people have the same problem . My bitdefender keeps shutting down and tells me I have to reboot . and I have been doing that for the last couple weeks .. but when I go away I leave my computer running and my email downloading . I need a fix before I have to go away which is next week .…
  • Lisa, I just read your blog entry regarding our bitdefender issue. Great, thorough job. And just so you know where I stand, I will be uninstalling BD tonight and installing AVG's free least until I have time to find something better. Hi dweb13 Thanks for the feedback - feel free to go vent all you want over…
  • The update now feature hasn't worked. The stupid program worked, then didn't work and now isn't working again. Keep your aggravation BD! I just don't have time to play around with this crap product. Hello Arby We have been beating this issue to death over on another thread =…
  • Thanks folks for the feedback. I am running SP2, so that is consistent with crc's results. I don't plan to go further into computer configurations that have this issue because I am only running this one one machine, but you have that ammo to supply. I write a blog on technology and how it can bug the crap out of this. As…
  • NO FAILURE THIS MORNING! So, since crc and dweb13 both had failures this morning, and I didn't, let's look at the difference. I DISABLED all scans, and left automatic updates ON (1x/every hour). So, it seems to me that scanning at the same time downloads want to take place is a problem. I have attached a detailed…
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