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  • Got the same message with the latest version, downloaded 8/23, on a Dell workstation, but then it ran just fine anyway? Thanks Chris for the tip. Found what it was: For Nvidia-based hosts, the BitDefender CD uses the Nv video driver (xserver-xorg-video-nv), but this driver is deprecated and doesn't work well with the host…
  • Different filenames but exact same contents.
  • Thanks but no go : "Cannot open display "default display"". Several hours of googling... only to find out that setxkbmap cannot be run as root. Running setxkbmap as non-root does change the keyboard layout as expected. I guess it wasn't possible to write an error message that actually pointed the user in the right…
  • More progress... leading nowhere: # echo $DISPLAY :0.0 # xhost +localhost No protocol specified xhost: unable to open display ":0.0" Read that on Debian/Ubuntu, by default, X is configured with "-nolisten tcp": # ps aux | grep X | grep -v grep root 2477 0.1 1.7 23552 17056 tty7 Ss+ 16:37 0:06 /usr/bin/X11/X -nolisten tcp…
  • Not gettting any luck. It seems like BitDefender doesn't like the "Integrated NVIDIA® GeForce® 6150 graphics" included in the Acer Aspire L100, and won't let users change the video settings: # gtf 1024 768 75 # 1024x768 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 60.15 kHz; pclk: 81.80 MHz Modeline "1024x768_75.00" 81.80 1024 1080 1192 1360…
  • In order to change the keyboard layout from "us" to "fr" please enter in terminal: $ sudo setxkbmap fr Thanks but no go : "Cannot open display "default display"".
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