

  • Glad you've fixed the problems. Please post a link to the software and we'll be able to tell you if it's clean. Regards, Andrei The link is: I just clicked on the green button that says "Download". Thanks!
  • Thanks for the response, adamian! But...I can't seem to be able to delete it with AVIS. (I scanned my computer, but couldn't find and delete it. Also, when I browse through to try and find the infected file, my C drive doesn't show.) My bitdefender shows "clean" in its scanlog; it did not show any viruses. But I still get…
  • Please send a BitDefender scanlog. You could also try to delete the malware using AVIS with the Delete on reboot option. Try this and tell us if it didn't work. You can get AVIS here: . After installing it please hit the update button to get the newer files for…
  • Hi! I got the same problem! Please help me too! The main virus seems to be Trojan.Vapsup.M. I tried using bitdefender and system mechanics to handle them but they didn't work...why?... My log from hijackthis is: Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 09:29: VIRUS ALERT!, on 9/4/2008 Platform: Windows XP SP3…
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