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  • Hi We loaded BD on Friday, my problem is a bit different from the ones mentioned here. We have the fax machine linked to OE in order to receive our faxes onto the email. But since the installation of BD the function no longer works. This is the error message it gives: The setup here is that it is a small office of 5…
  • I enabled Antispam filter last night and everything is working OK for now, maybe they put something in a update. This is still not the crisp working security suite of previous BD versions, I believe it is still quite BUGGY. OE has still been crashing for us today. My last reply from them was "The issue should be fixed in a…
  • Having problems to with BD Total Security 2008 and Outlook Express as well, when it happens a dialog box from BD appears, with Critical Error title says its sending report to BD, asks for email address so I can be contacted and refers to bdoe.dll, Link Library as offender. So far I have not received a reply on how to…
  • I am also having a problem with bitdefender and outlook express. My problem is somewhat different. OE frequently crashes when trying to reply, forward or even creating a new e-mail. I have contacted Bitdefender support program by e-mail, by phone, by chat but to no avail. they made me down load some program to try to track…
  • I'm also having a problem with Internet Security 2008 crashing Outlook Express. All seems to work well with OE until there is an auto, or a manual Bd update. As soon as the update is completed, OE will crash. This is especially true when switching between identities. It's a real pain the butt doing a PC restart to regain…
  • What Windows do you have ?! We have windows XP. Sorry for the delay as I have been away.
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