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  • Here is a workaround that works. You need to disable scanning of network shares two different ways. Exclude the drive and the UNC path. So if you have N: mapped to \\server\share, both of those need to be excluded. Only excluding one won't work. Just make sure you have AV on the server as well and you should be OK. I have…
  • We are aware of this situation and there is already a fix available for the v10 desktop versions, but for the versions above the issue will be fixed later this summer by the release of the future versions of corporate products. Can anyone confirm that v10 now works? I'm not seeing it...
  • I am having the same problems with Excel 2003. <snip> What's wrong with BD ??? You need to introduce an exclusion list for certain file extensions. I exclude things like fonts, various text and DB files and temp files from being scanned. It will get rid of what you're experiencing I think. I don't believe your problem is…
  • This is not a solution, but it's the best I could come up with until the BD guys fix this. Exclude network paths from your clients. How yuo do it will vary slightly depending on the version of client you use, then just make sure those file types are getting scanned by the server (or machine in that role). Previously I had…
  • I'm experiencing this same problem at my work after upgrading to Office 2007 and at another small network I maintain. At work we use BD Standard (v8) for enterprise. It's hit and miss and sometimes I can successfully save. I'm going to do more testing with Office 2K3 and disabling the AV on the server to try and narrow it…
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