matthewshort · MR


  • You bring up valid points in your response. The notion that Linux is inherently more secure is often attributed to its lower market share, making it a less attractive target for attackers compared to Windows. However, as you pointed out, malware designed for Windows is now being adapted to target Linux systems, which is…
  • - Home protection software for Linux is less common because Linux is generally considered more secure than Windows, reducing the demand for such tools. - Linux users tend to have advanced technical skills and can secure their systems manually using firewalls, iptables, and intrusion detection systems. - The open-source…
  • To configure a firewall to allow Tailscale to make a direct connection, follow these steps: - Allow UDP traffic on ports 41641 and 53 for Tailscale's peer-to-peer communication and DNS. - Enable traffic on TCP and UDP ports 443, 41641, and 3478, as these are used for relaying and coordination. - Add the Tailscale IP range…
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