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  • yes i bought other one yesterday i know my english skills are not perfect - but in this case i just think you dont read topics and just spam something...
  • lol another one you go microsoft webpage... and download "diskmon" and "filemon" to see what bitdefender is doing with hdd AFTER this you maybe understand what is all about in this topic
  • -____- ok... specialy for you i checked two smart tools from my hdd company and ofcource my disk is working fine but as you maybe dont know... all drives make noise when they read or write and when something is doing this few times every single second u hear "tik tik tik tik..." and yes - now i have av and fw that dont use…
  • i use filemon and discmon fro microsoft... i seer that its not disk failure and its not important is it sata or not it is bitdefender who check e very second this files i just deleted it and bought norton - this is insane to check this two files every sedond! this small amount of information can be stored in ram and…
  • yeah very smart - "dont worry" :| but it will still tik tik tik tik TIK TIK TIK nonstop soo stupid thing - omg! i go find some other av... bye ave, i dont care about stupid vista - i will never use this thing
  • with version i need to use to dont have this thing? this is stupid - why its loggin even at night when my pc dont do anything... im sure it will make shorter life of my hdd
  • hello i have a problem with disk usage. i use bit defender internet security 2008. my hard disk is used by bit defender every 1 second :\ nonstop tik tik tik tik tik (( i love this av but i cant understand why it need to use livesrv.log and antispam.ini every second. i understand that logs are important or something but…
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