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  • Hi Dilmeet Welcome to our forums. Could you please provide me the ticket ID so I can take a look in the system? I need this to track you email address, license key and order ID. Please post here only the ticket ID. Thank you. Take care. Ticket ID:201201081003719 Ticket ID:201112261009809
  • With stealth enable in BitDefender I get this error when trying to access from Win XP inside vmware. Firewall log with option "Increase Log Verbosity" ON. 2012/01/03 15:00:21.271 [bDFW] [FILTER] Blocked packet for / from closed port because of stealth settings. Direction: Outbound, Local Address:…
  • Hi Dilmeet Welcome to our forums. Could you please tell how to you connect to the internet on the real machine? Do you have a wireless connection? Do you used proxy? Do you have another security solution installed in the virtual machine? Thank you. Hi, I connect via LAN and the the virtual machine has avg anti virus…
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