

  • Thanks for all the replies. No it didn't really fix the problem. They gave me another way to "try" and solve it, but it was too inconvenient for me to modify system files and all that other stuff. So instead I simply uninstalled Bitdefender and installed another antivirus, the game works fine now. They also gave me a…
  • Okay... I am not really comfortable changing anything in my computer, so I'm not really comfortable in doing any of those. I am not an expert in computers, just a simple gamer. I would rather have my refund. Plus the whole purpose of getting this antivirus is because it was rated number 1, for its superior protection and…
  • Hi, I replied to your email. I was hoping against all hope that it would work. But it didn't. It's still the same, the patch doesn't go through. I tried disabling everything at the same time, still didn't work.. I don't think Bitdefender is compatible with this game.
  • Okay, I think I'll do that when I get back. Thank you so much!
  • Hello, Yes, I do run it in game mode. And yes, the folder is added in antivirus exclusions. And all the .exe is added in the exclusion processes. It still won't patch...
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