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  • There was something a miss in my previous message of 12th Jan and here it is. The earlier resolve was not final since the expiorer.exe later came back again. The resolve lies in deletion of another file under windows alongwith its process and this is 'ahmrpta.exe'. Actually this is again of the same size as expiorer.exe…
  • There was something a miss in my previous message of 12th Jan and here it is. The earlier resolve was not final since the expiorer.exe later came back again. The resolve lies in deletion of another file under windows alongwith its process and this is 'ahmrpta.exe'. Actually this is again of the same size as expiorer.exe…
  • The name of the archive is a little bit confusing, because it contains 2 keyloggers. Basically, they both do the same: drop an executable and a library in system32, and load that library under as many processes as they can (the library does the actual keylogging, the executable is just an "injector" that injects the…
  • Dear All, This one is a very old trojan mostly identified as "Mytob" which again has many variants. I had the same problem with one of my clients computer. The resolve is here finally, which has come after 7 hours of working on this and checking various websites and after reading 10's of articles on sites. The hint finally…
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