I got rid of Bit Defender, installed AVG free. had to reinstall a few thing, Bit Defender will not get me back. I was about ready to renew, but not now. I'm with you. It's a shame.
Ok. Saved what I could and did a full reinstall because the comp freezes on windows login. I kept waiting for a command line fix but BD stated it won't happen. Many ways to get to your files. -the easiest is to make a linux live cd which gives you a full desktop to work with and access to your disk. -if you don't have…
We are still working on making the patch available. This has taken longer than expected, we will provide a solution ASAP I really need a command line fix to restore the quarentine items.
Hello, Windows starts with just mouse support and I cant activate any programs. I cant do anything from inside windows. Like others I really need a command prompt solution(which I can get to from Windows recovery). Please release a .exe to do it automatically or provide us with a solution to fix this from the command…