download the file form the following link install it, update it and scan for spyware only.
Thank you for the file. The virus will be detected as Trojan.Downloader.Zlob.ABPA
Nu vad nimic ciudat in logul care mi l-ai trimis. Mai trimite-mi un log de gmer( sa vad daca nu ai cumva vreun rootkit. Trimite-mi si fisierul care zici ca ti-l detecteaza bitdefenderul. Pune-le pe toate intr-o arhiva
Downlodeaza si trimite-mi un log.(il faci de la butonul SysLog Info)
please download the program from the following link and send me log file. You can make one by going to SysLog Info tab. You can also perform a scan from AntiSpyware tab.
All these files are vundo files. You can delete them using the program I've sent you. To delete all of the files using one restart do the following. After you have selected the first file to delete (don't forget to use force file delete), press Start Clean. A window will appear telling you that you need to restart you…
please submit the following files: C:\WINDOWS\system32\\jrarbxgu.dll (i'm 90% sure this is a vundo file) C:\WINDOWS\system32\jkhfc.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32\jkkigdd.dll
try now to delete the tmp files. Also please post here a bd_sys_log info file. (You can create this kind of file using the program you have just downloaded, from SysLog ingo)
OK... download the file from this address: It is a program that we are currently working on. So, download it, install it and then run it. Go to [On Demand], select [Choose file form disk] and browse for the file you want to delete. Below, from the [Choose action…
yes, you can upload only archives (forgot to mention). The file you've sent me is infected with vundo. You have to delete that file. As far as i know vundo injects itself in many processes including winlogon. So the best way to delete that file is using a boot cd. Try it and tell me how it went.
when you add a reply below your text are is a text field with a "Browse" button on the the file and press upload That should do it
the name of this file doesn't seem right. Please submit so i can have a look at it. C:\Windows\system32\srtashfb.dll