

  • My computer was running VERY slowly for a number of weeks. It would take up to 20 seconds to recognise I had actually clicked something. Now that I've shut down BDI2011, all is running like it used to. Also noticed prior that vsserve.dll was taking up to 50% processor usage intermittently. BDI2011 runs well on my other…
  • Daniel M, I sent you a PM as requested by you straight away. Its now 3 days later and no reply. Now I've found out what has been clogging my system so terribly these past weeks. It's BitDefender Internet Security 2010! I've disabled it and now I'm trialling Kaspersky Internet Security 2011. WHAT A DIFFERENCE. My computer…
  • vsserve.exe intermittently slows my computer down during usage but I think something else is causing it as well. Trying to investigate at present. A response time of 30 seconds or more to a mouse click IS ANNOYING IN THE EXTREME. My computer has been like that for maybe 6 weeks One other point, several months ago a popup…
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