Hi, HijackThis log looks normal. Can you please detail on what kind of problems do you encounter? Thank you, Radu Daniel some videos on youtube when i watch i gives me an error report ****** is it my comp or internet? this happen last few weeks usually it never happens to me .or is it flash or something?
how do i remove traces of my last antivirus?
i uninstall av already im currently using esetnod32 antivirus 3.0.621.0 eh btw there's no more "C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll16.exe " the pass is virus.=)thx /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1539" data-fileid="1539" rel="">
it came out this? anyway the pass is virus /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1443" data-fileid="1443" rel="">hijackthis.rar /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1444" data-fileid="1444" rel="">hijackthis.rar
i cant seem to uncheck" do not show hidden file and folders" im running a windows xp home edition version 2000 service pack 2 so how?
the file don't exist anymore when i search!?
Hello, Please e-mail me the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\c_10083.nls in a password-protected archive (don't forget to tell the password) to check it. i dont know what it is so idont know the password. u still want the files?