I did that and did not receive any error except it said, "last update installed successfully." And still remained 7.30843.
Okay, so I now have my BD up and all but my problem is: is it safe for me to turn RTP on with engine version 7.30847? Because I am stuck on that version. No matter how much I try to upgrade it, manually and auto, it will not upgrade. That was a problem even before I used the patch, the patch didn't fix it.
Right now everything seem to be running okay; however, I still don't know if it was okay that I repaired BD and have all my quarantine's files remove due to it. I want to know is that bad or good? If it's bad, than is there a possible way to retrieve it or is it gone forever? And I can't seem to auto and manually update…
I have W7 Home, 64 bit, and current engine version 7.30843 (which some people mention not being the latest one, however I can't update it any higher manually or auto). When it first appeared, I did a scan and when it hit 6K infected files I shut down my laptop. Luckily, I had the Window System Recovery which sort of fix it…
I did exactly as you stated. My quarantines' files have all disappear, is that suppose to happen? My BD is also updated (finally) after failing to auto and manually update so thank you for that!