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  • Thanks. But as i told in my older post auto scan scans only the modified files after the last scan it does not scan all the files. why is that so? so auto scan is accessing the database to scan the files. so how that process works? how will the auto scan create a new entries in database? as it scans only the modified files?
  • ok. I have another question too. Auto scan is based on this Smart cache right? when only system files and .exe files gets added to this file how will the auto scan scans all the files in PC except boot sector?
  • ok thanks i understand now. Skipped files are unmodified files but the system files only get added to database. I have another question too. How the cache gets generated? for example i have 2 OS one is WIN XP and another one is WIN 7 X64. i use both and i access files from both the windows. so the files get modified when…
  • I understand. But my question is there is a possibility for some files to become virus after the new virus update isn't it? so when that files are not opened by me it wont get modified but still the virus will be present in my system as i have not modified it and the scans will skip unmodified files. so there should be a…
  • What happens when new virus definitions are out? will the cache gets deleted and generated again? as all the files needs to be scanned for new virus?
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