how are ppl having multiple virus signatures and engine versions? If you are using BitDefender Total Security 2010 everyone using that program regardless of x64 x86 should have the same data. Again my info is as follows for those using BitDefender Total Security 2010: Virus Signatures: 5494846 Engine Version: 7.30855 And I…
After doing BitDefender's so called update to their ROYAL #### up my bitdefender total security 2010 reports the following Virus Signatures: 5494846 Engine Version: 7.30855 It appears to me that they didn't put out a patch but rather uninstalled their mistake. Please someone else verify this for me so I can turn my…
Working now after the 1300kb update. However, any ideas on how to restore files? because it is saying to me that the specified file path is invalid.... Hope all of you guys don't lose too much of your files, because i nearly did and i would have been devastated. Now my computer got the update but only installed 915 Kb out…
Tried to restore before i went to the forums, couldn't that file was quarantined, along with a bajillion others, tried the "FIX" i do not have permission to run the file, because what ever i need for permissions is quarantined in a folder i have no access to because bit defender quarantined it self. Please help bit…